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Featured image for β€œTwo Critical Components Of A Quality Home Window Film Installation”

Two Critical Components Of A Quality Home Window Film Installation

September 25, 2020
Home Window Tinting
Benjamin Franklin once famously said “The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten.” More appropriate words cannot be said as it relates to
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Featured image for β€œ3 Reasons House Window Film Might Be The Perfect Gift For Your Home”

3 Reasons House Window Film Might Be The Perfect Gift For Your Home

December 4, 2020
Home Window Tinting
It’s that time of year again when many people are scrambling to come up with gift ideas. With most of us spending much more time at home this year, the
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Featured image for β€œReduce Glare & Harsh Light Making Homes More Comfortable this Winter”

Reduce Glare & Harsh Light Making Homes More Comfortable this Winter

February 19, 2021
Home Window Tinting
Need to Reduce Glare and Harsh Light? Window Film Can Help! Most people think of window film or window tinting primarily as something that helps in the Summer. It can
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Featured image for β€œSun Damaged Floors & Furnishings – How To Protect Against Fading”

Sun Damaged Floors & Furnishings – How To Protect Against Fading

September 10, 2021
Home Window Tinting
Sun Control Window Film
Many people have been making investments in their homes in these past months. With the investment in home improvement, it only makes sense that you would want to protect against
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Featured image for β€œThe Perfect Home Gift Might Be A Window Film Retrofit To Existing Glass”

The Perfect Home Gift Might Be A Window Film Retrofit To Existing Glass

December 2, 2021
Home Window Tinting
It’s officially that time of year again! People are often scrambling around to come up with gift ideas. Why not give a gift that continues to provide value well into
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Featured image for β€œ3M Prestige Window Film Used For UV Protection in Ann Arbor, Michigan”

3M Prestige Window Film Used For UV Protection in Ann Arbor, Michigan

March 3, 2022
Commercial Window Tinting
Home Window Tinting
We were called into this space to provide UV protection without noticeably darkening the windows. After we reviewed the project, it was decided that we would utilize a film by
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Featured image for β€œWashington Post Home & Garden Discusses How To Prevent Sun Fading”

Washington Post Home & Garden Discusses How To Prevent Sun Fading

May 21, 2021
Home Window Tinting
In a recent question and answer segment of the Home & Garden section of The Washington Post, the author Jeanne Huber discussed how window film can be effective to help
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Featured image for β€œDuke Energy Offers Several Energy Saving Tips For Homeowners”

Duke Energy Offers Several Energy Saving Tips For Homeowners

August 28, 2020
Home Window Tinting
Let’s face it, most of us are looking to save a little money these days and would love to take a bite out of high utility bills. However, we also
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Featured image for β€œSolar Control Window Film Reduces Heat & Glare In Captain’s Corner on Kelleys Island”

Solar Control Window Film Reduces Heat & Glare In Captain’s Corner on Kelleys Island

January 13, 2022
Commercial Window Tinting
Sun Control Window Film
It’s always a pleasure to head to the islands in Lake Erie, especially when we get to improve some of our favorite places outside of Toledo. One of those places
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Featured image for β€œRetrofitting Window Film Offers 3 Interesting Benefits For Homes & Offices”

Retrofitting Window Film Offers 3 Interesting Benefits For Homes & Offices

December 11, 2020
Commercial Window Tinting
Home Window Tinting
While many people have become aware of the solar control benefits of retrofitting window film to your existing glass, we wanted to share three additional interesting advantages available for homes
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