School Security Upgrades Addressed By Campus Security Magazine

An article in Campus Security Magazine entitled “Now Is the Time to Improve Your Campus Security and Safety Infrastructure” offers some helpful information on why, with the available federal funding, school security upgrades like window film should be a priority.

The article starts by saying, “If your school district, college or university has outdated infrastructure (and, let’s face it, what educational facility doesn’t?), there is no better time than now to make upgrades. That’s because a whole lot of federal funding has recently become available for these types of projects.”

 Many schools are tapping into state and federal funding for security window films, and a variety of available funding enables them to enhance existing or dated work.

Upgrades To Glass Are A Must For School Security

We know that windows and glass doors are often a main security vulnerability in school facilities. In another article entitled “Is Your Child’s School Safe? Examining the Top 3 School Safety Vulnerabilities“, the article noted glass as being one of the top three vulnerabilities because of the extensive use of tempered glass in schools.

The good news is that you can address this school safety vulnerability by retrofitting existing tempered school glass with a security window film. In addition, about $500 million is available for K-12 public schools in the Renew America’s Schools Program, and even available in other grants for private, public and higher education infrastructure improvements.

The article goes on to state that this money can be used for a wide variety of solutions that improve the long-term safety and health of students, faculty and staff, and that “schools and institutions of higher education would be foolish not to take advantage of these opportunities.”

School Security Window Film Provides Time For First Responders

Finally, we really like this advice from the District Administration Magazine article entitled “Building Blocks of a School Security Plan:”

“Make your building perimeter harder to penetrate. If you already have locks on your outside doors, the next item you should consider on your list is security film for your windows. After the doors, the next obvious place a person with bad intentions will try to enter the building is through your windows. Security film maintains the integrity of the window, even if the glass is broken. It helps to hold the glass in place, acting as a screen that is difficult to breach, even with a sledge hammer or baseball bat. I believe that simple is better. Make sure that your plan is based on principles such as distance or time. Ask yourself, Does this security device offer my community additional time by delaying the threat?

See How Easily Window Film Fits Into Your School Security Upgrades

The evidence is clear that security window films can be an vital part of any school security program. If you would like more information or have any questions about window films for school security upgrades, please contact us by calling (800) 975-8183 or emailing us at

We would be happy to provide you with a free property assessment and estimate on retrofitting security window film in your schools, and show you some examples of our recent security film work in Toledo, Cleveland, and Northern Ohio area schools to give you some inspiration.