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Featured image for “Enhance Northern Ohio Homes Using Window Film to Upgrade Existing Glass”

Enhance Northern Ohio Homes Using Window Film to Upgrade Existing Glass

August 21, 2020
Home Window Tinting
Are you looking for ways to enhance your home without a major disruption to the space? Are you aware of all the innovative ways that window films can upgrade existing
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Featured image for “Save Energy, Lower Utility Cost & Keep Cool in Summer with Window Film”

Save Energy, Lower Utility Cost & Keep Cool in Summer with Window Film

August 7, 2020
3M Thinsulate Insulating Window Film
Home Window Tinting
Even though this Winter did its best to hang on, the warmer temperatures of Summer are on the way. We recently came across an article in Forbes Magazine entitled “Six
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Featured image for “School Construction News Details Necessary School Safety Measures”

School Construction News Details Necessary School Safety Measures

July 31, 2020
Safety & Security Window Film
As we get ready to embark on a new school year, it is safe to say that many things will be different. While we definitely want to pay attention to
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Featured image for “Whole Building Design Guide (WBDG) Discusses Architectural Window Film Uses & Benefits”

Whole Building Design Guide (WBDG) Discusses Architectural Window Film Uses & Benefits

July 24, 2020
Commercial Window Tinting
Decorative Glass Film
Home Window Tinting
Safety & Security Window Film
We came across an extensive article in the Whole Building Design Guide entitled Window Film Fundamentals that discusses architectural window film uses and benefits. We wanted to summarize the findings
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Featured image for “Four Easy Ways to Reduce Home Energy Usage in Northern Ohio”

Four Easy Ways to Reduce Home Energy Usage in Northern Ohio

July 17, 2020
Home Window Tinting
It’s in everyone’s best interest to reduce the amount of energy we use. Not only do you reduce your carbon footprint and energy waste, you’ll also save money on your
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Featured image for “Improve Energy Efficiency of Home Windows in Northern Ohio”

Improve Energy Efficiency of Home Windows in Northern Ohio

July 10, 2020
Home Window Tinting
You know the old saying of “The only thing certain is death and taxes.”? Well, you can also probably add increasing utility bills to that statement. However, you can fight
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Featured image for “Noticing Heat And Glare Issues As You Spend More Time Spent At Home?”

Noticing Heat And Glare Issues As You Spend More Time Spent At Home?

June 19, 2020
Home Window Tinting
Sun Control Window Film
If your increased time at home has caused you to notice some excessive heat or irritating glare issues in your home, window film retrofitted to your existing windows can help.
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Featured image for “No Indoor Sunburn Doesn’t Mean Skin Damage Isn’t Occurring”

No Indoor Sunburn Doesn’t Mean Skin Damage Isn’t Occurring

June 12, 2020
Commercial Window Tinting
Home Window Tinting
Are you aware that your skin is susceptible to UV damage from the sun when you are inside? A recent article in Business Insider called “You can get sun damage
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Featured image for “Five Reasons Decorative Glass Films are Preferred for Privacy & Branding”

Five Reasons Decorative Glass Films are Preferred for Privacy & Branding

June 5, 2020
Decorative Glass Film
Privacy Window Film
Looking for a creative way to add privacy or company branding to a glass panel? Decorative Glass Films is the preferred choice for accomplishing this for the following five reasons.
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Featured image for “Reduce Summer AC Bills in Northern Ohio with Residential Window Films”

Reduce Summer AC Bills in Northern Ohio with Residential Window Films

May 22, 2020
3M Thinsulate Insulating Window Film
Home Window Tinting
It may not feel like it on some of these Spring days, but Summer is just around the corner and will be here before we know it. For many of
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